Personal Trainer in Scarsdale, NY

RC Fitness is a fitness program created by certified fitness instructor Rachel Cooper for people who are exploring workout programs in Scarsdale, NY. It is an 8-week program that tackles all types of levels, from beginner to advanced. RC Fitness NYC works with all ages and helps everyone achieve their ideal exercise goal. If you are interested in our programs, sign up for a free trial today. Get started on a healthier lifestyle & achieve your fitness goal.

RC Fitness NYC is an 8-week program ranging in difficulty from beginner to advanced. RC Fitness NYC was created by Rachel Cooper who, herself struggled with exercise problems. Rachel’s training experience includes: obese children, high school sports performance and squash performance.

Start today with private online training sessions with RC Fitness certified trainers. A typical online training sessions lasts an hour, you will get a chance to work with our certified trainer Rachel Cooper online or in Scarsdale, NY by request. RC Fitness also offer a 8 week online training program, work out at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. Rachel Cooper will dedicated her time and effort to find what works for you, train online with RC Fitness at your own pace.

RC Fitness NYC’s 8-week online training programs will have everything you will need to get started on your exercise. The program has clear instructions as well as a demonstration video to help you follow along. Sign up today to get started with a free trial in Scarsdale, NY!

Rachel Cooper is a certified fitness instructor committed to helping others get results, and making the count! Rachel personally created an online exercise program that can be completed with or without equipment for all fitness levels.

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My Journey is My Passion…

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After years of living an unhealthy lifestyle, drinking too much, and binge eating, it eventually caught up with me. This before photo doesn’t come close to revealing how lousy I felt daily. To be transparent, my journey emerged from vanity, I was unhappy with my appearance and began to make some changes. I never knew that change would have a more profound impact on my entire life, then it ever could have on my physical appearance. I quickly decided to help others transform their lives as well, so if you think I’m a fitness trainer that’s not relatable, think again!



Exercise programs designed for all levels, whether you train at home or in a gym. Rachel gives you easy to follow instructions for each exercise throughout the entire program!

Personal Training

Get 1 hour of personal training per month, along with full access to the online training program!

Starting at:


Subscribe today
  • One-on-one training sessions with Rachel via Zoom or Skype

  • Personal training that can be done with or without equipment

  • Includes full access to the online training program 

  • Hourly sessions available 1 to 4 times per month

Online Training Program

Train anytime with streaming videos personally created and performed by Rachel!

Per Month


Subscribe today
  • Beginner, intermediate, & advanced levels available

  • Programs designed for both with & without equipment 

  • Full access to a wide range of programs to fit your needs

  • Includes weekly progressions to help you reach your goals

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